3 DIY Projects That You Should Try At Home Over The Summer

Try not to laugh, but we genuinely believe that anyone can succeed at DIY. You may not think that if you have had a DIY disaster in the past, but it’s true, honest! 

Livin Room Orangery With French Doors

DIY mishaps often occur because a person tries to be too ambitious, and when it goes wrong, it puts them off trying to do it again. 

Just stick to simple tasks, and that’s how to develop your DIY skills and build up your confidence. 

Do some DIY at home to keep you busy this summer. 5 Star has come up with a list of easy tasks that you can definitely achieve. 

Update your old units

For a simple, but effective transformation of a kitchen, dining room, bathroom or bedroom, you could just modernise any units in them. 

Keep the units, if you can, and repaint them in a fresh new colour, or you can reface them with a covering that you like. But before that, remove any dated hardware and equip them with new handles, hinges etc. 

Once complete, the units will make the entire space feel rejuvenated, despite it taking you very little time and money to do it. 

Turn a wall into a photo gallery

It would seem a waste to leave a wall in your lounge completely bare when that wall could be covered in a gallery of framed photographs. 

Have a flick through the gallery on your phone to find any photos you particularly like that you could put on display, and rifle through your old photo albums for some treasured snaps. 

You may have some frames that you can add some little touches to, or go out and buy some cheap ones in lots of different sizes, shapes and colours. 

Create stuff for the garden with pallets

It’s summer, the time of year when your garden will be used the most. So it’s important that it receives the same amount of attention as your indoor space. 

Improve the space with the use of some pallets, which you can easily transform and upcycle into a couple of things. 

Vertical planters are the first thing we’re thinking about, great for if you want to begin growing plants outside and don’t have lots of room for it. Or you could make a wooden bench with the pallets, giving it some cushioning at the back and on the base so people can sit on it in comfort. 

For jobs that can’t be classed as DIY, such as window and door installations, speak to 5 Star and leave them to our experts. You can contact us here

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