Don’t Wait To Improve Your Home – Organise A Free Online Design Appointment

It’s a strange time for us all and it can be difficult to know what to do with yourself whilst spending so much time at home. 

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However, being confined to the indoors for an extended period can get you noticing things that you may otherwise overlook, such as those home improvements that have been on the ‘to-do’ list for too long. This could include finally accomplishing your ambition of installing fancy new energy efficient windows and doors.

You don’t have to wait until normality has resumed if it’s new windows and doors you want – you can use our FREE Online Design Appointment service to start the preparation now with 5 Star. 

Go to our Virtual Appointment page and arrange for our sales team to contact you via video-call at an appropriate time. 

All they’ll need from you is your thoughts, a few photographs of the relevant areas and some measurements so that we can create the right sized products and right concepts – that will keep you nice and busy!

Please don’t worry if you’re unsure of exactly what we need. The consultant you speak to will offer all the necessary guidance, use the information you provide to get things off the ground and talk you through what happens next. We have some fantastic software to show you what can be done to transform your home into something really special. 

During the video-call, you will also be advised of our easy payment plans and any offers you can take advantage of. 

Your consultant will then put together a FREE no obligation quote and return to you with it.

Despite the present circumstances, everyone behind the scenes at 5 Star is still working extremely hard, so make a head start now if you want your installation completed as quickly as possible once things have settled down. 

Get your FREE Online Design Appointment organised here.

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