Get Your Home In Tip Top Condition For The Summer Months

Summer has finally arrived meaning extra daylight hours, putting your home firmly in the spotlight over the next 2-3 months. Is your home summer-ready? If the honest answer is no then it is not too late to have it sparkling throughout our sunniest season so that visitors and passers-by are left impressed by what they see.

Lounge Interior Get Your Home In Tip Top Condition For The Summer Months

Here’s how to get your home in shape for summer

  1. Give your windows a good clean

We all know how temperamental the weather can be in this country, so when the sun is shining you need to draw it into your home as much as possible.

Wipe away any dirt that has built up on your windows with a reliable cleaning agent. Take a wet cloth to the window frames too as the windows are a focal point of your property and you want them gleaming.

Any tatty timber windows should be replaced immediately for UPVC or aluminium windows, both of which are maintenance-free.

     2.    Tend to your garden

Gardening can seem like a time-consuming chore, but if you keep on top of mowing the lawn, pruning your plants and killing your weeds, it can all be done so much quicker.

Failing to sustain garden maintenance will lead to the condition of your garden spiralling out of control and require you to put so much more effort in than you would need to if you tended to it every couple of weeks.

    3.    Declutter the house

The sunshine is renowned for making rooms feel more spacious. Just imagine how much more spacious they would feel if you gave them a thorough decluttering.

Start with your bedrooms and throw away or donate any unused or unwanted clothes. Then pay attention to areas like the attic and make a few trips to the local waste disposal unit to chuck out anything that’s no longer needed.

Add inventive storage solutions in all of your rooms and once everything has either been thrown or stored away neatly, give each room a good deep clean.

   4.   Fit bi-folding doors

It’s the natural instinct to want to head into the garden when the sun’s out whether it’s to fire up the barbecue or chill on the lounger on the lawn.

Make it more accessible by fitting bi-folding doors into an available aperture at the rear of your property.

If you own a home extension you could always have them incorporated into its design to marry together home and garden in utmost style.

Buy your bi-folds from 5 Star

Funnily enough, 5 Star is a reputable supplier and installer of some of Britain’s best bi-folding doors.

You can view our bi-folding doors in our two sophisticated showrooms. Once you have you will soon understand why they’re an essential summer investment that you will use through summer and beyond.

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