How A New Back Door Can Transform The Back Of Your House

We’re forever being reminded of the importance of having an attractive front entrance if we want our homes to make a good first impression. It’s a piece of advice that shouldn’t be ignored though as it’s unquestionable that people form an opinion of a house solely from how it looks on the outside (something you’re probably guilty of too).

French Doors With Georgian Bar

If the rear of your house is also in full view of people, that needs to look just as pretty if you expect to impress anyone that sets their eyes on it! When it lacks that little bit of something and you have a section of wall space that could be occupying some form of door, take up the opportunity to integrate a patio door, French door or bi-folding door.

It doesn’t matter which of these door solutions you choose. Each of them will make the back of the house far more visually appealing and also completely change your home lifestyle.  

When they’re open, you will be able to exchange indoor living for outdoor living more readily, and vice-versa, plus, it will completely open out your home’s interior. During the summer months, you will spend most of your time outside as you won’t be able to resist heading for the garden so that you can relax out in the sun with a cold drink in your hands. The added light that comes through your chosen door when it’s both open and closed will also make your conventional living space feel way more spacious.

In terms of how they operate, a patio door slides from side to side, a French door offers a generous double opening, and a bi-folding door folds as it glides open. Try them all out in one of our showrooms to find out which you prefer. You will get a real thrill from feeling them work.

You can rely on these amazingly smart doors to retain their condition and keep your home’s rear looking magnificent. They don’t need cleaning as they can resist the weather, so they won’t ever need replacing.


Get the back of your house looking better than it ever has. Arrange for 5 Star to send you a FREE quote for new patio doors, French doors or bi-folding doors.






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