Top Christmastime Foods for Dinner Parties

Dinner parties. Is there ever a time when it’s wrong to have one? Well, if there is then Christmas may be that time but it may not be that time, it depends entirely on how you do your Christmas.

Anyway, if you’re one who likes the sound of a Christmas time dinner party, you may be struggling for what dishes to cook without it being too close to a Christmas dish. Well, we’re going to list some of the different options that you could cook for your night in with friends.

Beetroot and Salmon

Salmon is a classic, along with prawns for a lot of people at Christmas time. Prawn cocktail is a very popular starter for a lot of families but why not mix it up this year, do something a bit different?

This beetroot and vodka cured salmon recipe is one that will probably go down with your guests on Christmas day and it makes a pleasant change to the typical prawn cocktail that is normally consumed as a starter.

However, if prawn cocktail is something that will be staying on your menu, why not check this out?

Roast Turkey

Roast Turkey comes and goes at this time of year and yeah, some people don’t particularly like it and some people absolutely love it.

If turkey is a dish that you enjoy, why not try this at your next dinner party. It’s a roast turkey with sherry, pancetta, anchovy and rosemary stuffing. Sound like something that you’d enjoy? Here’s a link to the recipe for you.

Mince Pie Ice Cream

This is a mix of two deserts that are massive favourites with a lot of people around the world, admittedly one is more popular at a certain, festive time of year.

If you like mince pies and you like ice cream then this is what you should consider making for after your Christmas day meal. If this is something you do fancy making then check this out.

So, this should be enough for you to choose from if you’re planning on hosting a dinner party this coming Christmas. Don’t forget too, your conservatory is always a great place to hold one of these little soirées.

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