The Window Selling Techniques To Be Wary Of

Would you like a new set of windows for your home? 5 Star would, of course, love to supply them to you, but we appreciate that you may want to check out other window suppliers too.

Cream Upvc Windows

With a quick Google search, you will discover that there are dozens of window companies and it’s recommended that you get quotes from at least three of them.

When getting those quotes and speaking to the people behind these businesses, they will use different sales techniques to try and secure your custom.

Some of these techniques may be a little suspect and dishonest. You need to watch out for them and avoid buying from these companies at all costs!

Alarm bells should ring when you come across any of the following sales tactics:

Price conditioning

Never bought replacement windows before? If so, you probably have little or no idea of what they should cost you.

To convince you you’re getting a great deal, a window seller may claim that you’re getting a brilliant price compared to a what a rival firm is offering, when their own deal is poor for the money. This is called price conditioning.

False discounts

Certain suppliers don’t want you to shop around and will try and pin you down by offering you a large discount that you must agree to there and then.

These false discounts are an unscrupulous way of making you believe you’re getting a huge saving, when you’re not.

Vast price drops

Another crafty thing some window sellers do is make up an inflated price for their windows and then wait to see what your reaction is.

They will hope it makes you take an audible intake of breath so that when they then lower the price, you will believe you’re getting fantastic value.


To give you a price that exceeds or matches your expectations, you may be asked what you want to pay. It doesn’t and shouldn’t work like that.

Once you have a few quotes from some respectable, trusted firms, you should have a good indication of what you can expect to pay.


We find the above sales tactics abhorrent. 5 Star promises nothing but honesty, transparency and total professionalism with customers, from beginning to end. Just a brief conservation with one of our consultants will tell you that. Arrange a call back and let’s start talking.



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